By Marcela Owen
Today I want to talk to you about sugar, did you know that experts say that sugar is more addictive than cocaine…? Yikes! Do you ever experience:
1. Headaches
2. Low energy levels
3. Inflammation
If you are experiencing any of those symptoms, it may be due to sugar consumption! Is sugar part of your lifestyle? Do you want to learn more?
Join us for my “Sugar Talk” and learn about:
1. The sugar addiction cycle
2. How food manufacturers attempt to hide sugar
3. How sugar affects your body
4. Examples of “healthy” foods/drinks that are loaded with sugar
5. Awareness about reading labels (this is shocking!)
6. 7 solutions to sugar cravings
Join us Tuesday, September 15th at 10AM PST. Join FB Group to watch, click here: ChristianWomenWellness
Then, on Tuesday, September 22nd, I’m inviting you to join a free 5-day No Sugar Challenge! If you are looking to reduce or eliminate sugar from your life, this is a great way to start! I will give all details on my private FB Group.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
Love and Blessings,
Health and Prosperity Coach
I noticed a few of you signed up after the Christian Women Wellness Series live event ended. However, the series is available for purchase, please let me know you are interested by emailing me at
Being part of a Christian women community and surrounding yourself with strong Christian ladies is the secret formula for success! Remember Proverbs 27:17 - “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”, I invite you to join our Private Facebook Group for encouragement, prayer requests, tips on health and wellness, fellowship, connection and more. Click here: Join our Private Facebook Group!
We are here to support you! If you have any questions, please contact:
I'm Marcela Owen, Health and Prosperity Coach. My passion is to work with Christian women who are feeling burned out and have low energy from a busy schedule or from putting everyone else first without time for self-care. I help them reclaim their time and energy so they can give to others from a filled heart, and finally thrive to follow God's calling for their life. I provide support, prayer, encouragement, and accountability. Schedule your free phone coaching session to uncover your God's purpose, what is holding you back and how to move forward! To schedule go to:
I believe my God given destiny is to empower women and help them reach their goals.
